The Second Mile Published!

WOW, what can I say but that the day is finally here! My book, The Second Mile published!
This book is dedicated to all those who feel that there is too much ‘water under the bridge’ for God to love or accept them. Through my personal issues and study time, I have found that there is nothing from which the Lord can’t deliver those who call upon Him. While He should rightfully be respected in awe and wonder as Creator and Judge of the universe, it’s equally important to see Him as gentle and caring. Even at our worst, He extends an offer of love and acceptance that only He could give. He is full of love, mercy, and forgiveness toward everyone who wants to draw closer to Him (Psalm 86:15; 145:8-9). The Second Mile provides a tiny glimpse into the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who need Him most – which is all of us!
I want to take a minute and thank everyone who helped me to complete this work;
- My wonderful better half, Susanne. I could NOT have done this without your support, insight and patience. You’re the love of my life!
- Pastor Dave. An encourager and accountability partner of excellence! Someone who sticks closer than a brother.
- The great staff at WestBow Press. More than my being just another account to manage, I believe I have come across a group of brothers and sisters who have been called alongside to help get this word out to those who desperately need to hear it.
- MOST OF ALL, to my Father. His inspiration, instruction, correction and leadership is unparalleled. To Him be all the glory and praise!
The Second Mile published, but what does that mean? It means that it is available for purchase now! If you would like to support this work, please go to the WestBow Press website and order your copy today;
You can search either by title or by author name (Mark Wilson Stockman). It will also be available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Google Books in various formats such as softcover, hardcover, and digital reader versions. While the book is available now at the WestBow Press website, there is a brief lag time until the book populates the search feature of those other sights. I’ll send out another notice when it has populated and becomes available at other resellers.
So, what can you do to help? Well, since The Second Mile published, and should you purchase a copy, please take the next step and review the book at the venue you purchased it from. That helps in a number of ways, as people read reviews from other readers! It also helps to index the book faster so when others search for the title it comes up first on the list. Once you have read the book, and if it ministers to you, please recommend it to other people you know! Nothing spreads notoriety like word of mouth from friends and family.
Now that The Second Mile published, I’m currently scheduling speaking engagements, setting up MeetUp groups, arranging book signing sessions and the like. I also plan to seek out various ways to try and promote the book through multimedia and other social media venues. Another cool item is that the TruthAnchor site is going to be getting a major revamp! Who knows? You may also see or hear me on a local radio or TV station sometime soon!
Thanks again to you all for being patient while I finish this chapter in my life, and I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for the future!
God bless you as you seek Him in sincerity and truth.
Mark Wilson Stockman
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