Talk With God

Everyone has had some moment in their life when they wanted to talk with God. Even the most passionate of atheists has, at some point, tried to talk with God. Whether they are willing to admit it or not, everyone has tried to have a conversation with Him.
More often than not we are alone when we try to talk with God. The quietness of solitude helps to keep us from being distracted, which seems to be the biggest problem we face these days. It could be that we are considering some important decisions, but many times it’s just that we have time to listen.
Everyone wants to talk with God. This is a universal fact because people are people no matter who they are or where they are from. Race doesn’t matter. Religion doesn’t matter. It makes no difference whether we live in the largest of modern cities or in the deepest forest. There is in every one of us an innate appreciation of, and desire for, Someone greater than themselves.
We can see evidence of this within every known civilization throughout history. Ancient cuneiform writings, verbal traditions, songs, poetry and religious practice are just some of the ways people have tried to talk with God. We have built entire cities with the goal of trying to honor God. Mankind has always attempted to talk with God in order to fulfill an innate desire to be in communication with Him.
The Good News is that not only do we want to talk with God, but He wants to talk with us! Not just ‘chit-chat,’ but an ongoing dialog. It carries the idea that those who talk with God can have a special bond, a linking of heart and mind that is both common in character and unique in each individual application. We have the desire to speak with Him but we also have the desire for Him to speak with us.
The fact that people want to talk with God exposes the root of the problem, which is a sense of distance between us. We try to approach Him because we know inside that we are separated from Him. This separation is brought about by sin. The longer we live the more ingrained this sense of separation can feel, which explains why little children have no problem approaching or talking to God yet adults have all kinds of issues!
How can we talk with God? Well, just do it. Open your mouth and speak! Then, as in any other conversation, you need to listen. If we speak to Him there will come an urging, that still small voice, that we should recognize as the voice of God. We also have the Word of God to help keep us on track, and often God will use the combination of the two in speaking with us. It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about, whether it’s finances, relationships or just a simple desire to be with Him. We want to talk with God, but He wants to talk with us as well. It’s been His desire ever since the Garden of Eden.
We can gain a tremendous amount of peace in our lives if we would only talk with God!
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