What Am I To Do?
What is going on in the world? Well, there’s pretty much one thing that people agree on, and that is that bad things are happening in the world. Violence and extremism in on the rise, affecting each and every one …
Religion & Spirituality examines how humans try to reach God with or without Christ (religion), and the awareness one has regarding life and spiritual things (spirituality). Being religious or spiritual does not necessarily mean being godly.
What is going on in the world? Well, there’s pretty much one thing that people agree on, and that is that bad things are happening in the world. Violence and extremism in on the rise, affecting each and every one …
“I wish you would act your age!” Though that may have sounded like a request, mom would usually say it out of frustration at the silliness being exhibited by myself or my brother. The implication was that with a certain …
If you’re familiar with the game of poker you most likely know the term all in. For those who don’t know what that means, it means that a player has what he believes is a winning hand. It also means …
“They have no hope.” That was the sum of what we were talking about. My wife and I had lunch yesterday with a gentleman who, in all likelihood, would know what he was talking about. A personable man. An intelligent …
July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States. There are cookouts, family gatherings and fireworks. There’s swimming, sporting events, boating, playing games, and a lot of other activity. Some even use this time to just spend their …
We all face changes in our lives. Some of these changes are welcomed, like graduating from school, getting our first (or a better) job, and marrying the person God has chosen for us. Other changes are not welcome at all, …
Most children, when confronted with something that they don’t want to do (like go to bed, eat their vegetables or be denied a new toy they want, etc.) respond many times with statements of mild resistance. As they unwillingly submit, …
As I research the trends in television these days it is obvious that programing has changed over the past thirty years. It appears that some of the most popular and regularly viewed programs involve taking an old, run-down house and …
Several days ago a gunman entered an Orlando, FL nightclub (which catered to the LGBT community) and started shooting. The results of his rampage claimed the lives of 49 people, with an even greater number wounded in the attack, and …
There have been times and events in our nation’s history that were a catalyst of change. The type of catalyst of change I’m talking about were so powerful that they drastically changed our attitudes and behaviors. December 7, 1941 was …