Prophecy and Christ

Prophecy and Christ

I have been in a ‘conversation’ with someone which centered on the uniqueness of Christ, prophecy, and the Word of God, versus the religions of the world. The issue being addressed was that this person has read books by some ‘experts’ which state the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. This person went on to state that there was no difference between ANY of the faith systems in the world, and that Christianity was just one among many.

Since this kind of errant thinking seems to be getting more and more attention lately, I thought it might be helpful to include my responses in a small section of that conversation below. Therefore, I present a portion of what I shared, entitled Prophecy and Christ.

What other ‘religion’ has done the following (all foretold via prophecy)?

1. Provided accurate history when most others did not?
For years Biblical ‘scholars’ denied the existence of the city of Ai (mentioned in several books of the Old Testament) – that is, until it was discovered. Many more examples of accurate history contained in the Bible can be given.

2. Provided detailed scientific theories as facts, long before ‘modern’ man ‘discovered ‘ them?
Pangaea, television, the formation of language groups, physics and astronomy are only a small sampling of the scientific fields mentioned in the Word of God,  listed centuries before modern man verified them.

3. Foretold the coming of One Who would make things right again after the fall, including details like;

A. From which nation this Man would be born.
Gen 18:17-20
And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

B. From which tribe of said nation this Man would be born.
Gen 49:10
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

Jer 23:5-6
“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His name by which He will be called:


C. Which city this Man would be born in.
Mic 5:2
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”

D. Where this Man would be raised up.
Isa 9:1-2
Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed, as when at first He lightly esteemed the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward more heavily oppressed her, by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, in Galilee of the Gentiles. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.

E. How He would die.
Ps 22:14-18
 I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; it has melted within Me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and My tongue clings to My jaws; You have brought Me to the dust of death.

For dogs have surrounded Me; the congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. They divide My garments among them, and for My clothing they cast lots.

F. Where He would die.

Lev 4:12
…the whole bull he shall carry outside the camp to a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on wood with fire; where the ashes are poured out it shall be burned.

Ex 33:7-8
Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp, far from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of meeting. And it came to pass that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp.

Heb 13:10-14
We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.

G. The year He would die.
Dan 9:25-26
“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, eEven in troublesome times.

“And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come sShall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.

H. How long He would be in the grave.
Ps 16:10
For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

Matt 12:40
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Hos 6:1-2
Come, and let us return to the Lord; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. after two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight.

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

J. The resulting “kingdom” which would result from His rule.
Isa 9:6-7
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

K. There are over 60 specific and individual prophecies regarding the coming Messiah, which Christ has already fulfilled. They were provided by various men of various rank, spanning hundreds of years.

Please, pray tell, which other ‘religion’ anywhere has done even a FEW of these things?

If someone tells you they don’t believe in gravity, would you follow them if they decided to ‘prove’ it by jumping off a 30 story building?

If someone tells you they are an expert in airplane design, and yet they don’t believe in the principle of lift, how much of what they say would you believe?

Think about it, and I sincerely pray that my Father gives you wisdom and understanding should you decide to seek Him.

A son and servant of the King.

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