Ordinary People

I have a good friend named Rick, who I have known for over 30 years. Rick is just ‘ordinary people,’ and even though we have not lived close to each other for many years now our friendship has endured. When we do get together it’s like we’ve never been apart.
As I said, Rick is just an ordinary guy. He has been the produce manager for Hy-Vee in Trenton, Missouri for all those 30 years. He is strong and stable in his walk with Jesus, faithfully serving as a teacher, board member, music ministry worker and youth leader in the Trenton church. He plays a meaningful trumpet as worship to the Lord. He is an avid hunter, successfully bringing home deer, turkey, pheasant and even a couple of bears. He has done most of the construction work on the two houses he and his family have built together and are living in now. He has weathered storms of loss and fire, disappointment and strained relationships, all by consistently obeying and submitting to the instruction of Jesus. He has been a faithful listener and corrector in my life as I have endeavored to follow Jesus in my own ministry challenges through the years.
The one thing that stands out as I consider my friend is that he is just an ordinary person. He has never sought out the attention and adoration of others, though he has received both at times. He has never sought leadership, though by his consistent perseverance he has been a leader. He has never considered himself as important in the Kingdom, yet through his submission to the everyday work of Christ he is invaluable to the Kingdom. Such is the blessing of ordinary people.
Jesus has always used ordinary people who would simply give Him their life and energy to do whatever He asked with a determination that would not quit, even in the face of death. Too many times we admire greatness, popularity and success while failing to realize the real work of the Kingdom is accomplished day by day through faithful workers; those who will not turn aside from the challenge of bringing the gospel to the world around them. The foundation of that faithfulness is a personal, strong, daily relationship with Jesus!
Such is the blessing of ordinary people.
How exciting to be His people,
Pastor David Vanderpool
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