God Will Give You What You Want!

I encounter a lot of different people, and it’s always made me wonder how we can have such differing thoughts on the Word of God. I often find that people can’t seem to grasp (at least what I think is) the obvious. You can prove your point in a hundred different ways and yet they still don’t ‘get it.’ I have ultimately come to the conclusion that God will give you what you want.
“What do you mean, ‘God will give you what you want?’ Can I ask God to let me win the lottery?” Nice try! You can ask all day long but I don’t believe it will do any good. What I’m referring to is the principle of discovering truth as found in His Word. It has to do with our position in relationship to God.
Eternity is a long, long time. How we experience eternity is directly tied to our relationship with God (or from the opposite stance, our relationship without Him). If it’s true that God will give you what you want, then you need to understand how what you desire correlates with what He desires for you.
Suppose someone thinks Christianity is a bunch of nonsense. Many people are like this, and they go throughout their lives antagonistic toward the things of God. They have been approached with the Word. They have seen examples of both God’s goodness and His judgment. They have heard testimonies of His redemptive power. They have had confirmed science, as well as Scripture, presented to them time and time again; yet, for all that, they refuse to believe. They want knowledge apart from the Giver of wisdom. They don’t want to know God.
Since God has given each of us a free will, He will not violate that will and make anyone do something against their will. The enemy will coerce you, but God will not. The enemy may trick you with false knowledge, but God will not. God will give you what you want. If what you want is a life devoid of His presence and influence, then so be it.
If it’s true that God will give you what you want, does it apply to His children as well? Absolutely! I still doubt God will give you the numbers for a winning lottery ticket, but if you want to know Him, and seek Him above anything else, He will make Himself known to you. If you seek the Giver of all good things (and not the things themselves), then you will succeed. Why would you want to settle for anything less than the best? God will give you what you want.
I pray, daily, that I will pursue Him above all else. I’ve seen many Christians get wrapped up in wanting the trappings of being a child of God without wanting the God of the trappings! They lead lives of confusion, doubt and disappointment. God would rather deal with your heart, but if you show Him that you only want something less than Him, then God will give you what you want.
I don’t want to settle for just material things, and I don’t want temporary ‘fixes’ to the problems in my life. I want to know Him more and more – don’t you? For those of us who have this mindset, God will give you what you want!
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