God Uses the Weak

Sometimes I feel useless in my walk with God. Do you ever feel that way, too? I’ve heard that God uses the weak to accomplish His plan, but there are times when I have trouble believing that. Why is that so? It’s because I’m familiar with all my shortcomings. I know what I’ve done, and the things I’ve left undone. I am flawed, distracted, and prone to make wrong choices. I am me.
Each of us carries that same baggage, and were it not for God’s Word it would seem hopeless. However, we can be encouraged because we know who God is and that He lives within us. That, in itself, is a supreme paradox. Think about it. Why would the omnipotent, omniscient Creator of the universe want to dwell inside people? It’s because God uses the weak.
God Uses the Weak
We can have confidence in God, because He is, well, GOD. People, on the other hand, are definitely not Him! He is powerful, people are weak. He is perfect, people are imperfect. He is Lord of all and self-sufficient, people must rely on Him for everything. God doesn’t need us, but we need Him for every aspect of life. Yet, in spite of all those differences, God chooses to use human beings to accomplish His will on Earth.
So, why does He use the weak if He doesn’t need us? To catch a glimpse at why God uses the weak we need to look back in eons past. Before there was the church, or Israel, or Abraham, or Adam, there was God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, but He also created life. What life was that? That life was the heavenly host – angels.
A Time Before Adam
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (NKJV)
Notice the order of events, in that God created the heavens first and then He created the Earth. Part of His creation of the heavens was that He also created those living there, the angels. Among those heavenly citizens was an individual named Lucifer. Lucifer was beautiful. Lucifer was intelligent. Lucifer was powerful. Lucifer was proud.
He thought that his position was due to his abilities. He allowed his God-given attributes and role to become a source of arrogance. There was no one in heaven like him, and he came to believe he had earned his favor with God simply because he was worthy of it! He left thanking God and relying on Him, and instead placed his confidence in himself.
The results were disastrous.
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