Get To Know God – Part 3

People who focus strictly upon what Scripture states, without having an intimate relationship with the Author, devolve into becoming religious. They don’t get to know God, they just get to know about Him. Wars, murders, thefts and all other forms of hideous acts have been carried out in the name of religion, even by those claiming to be Christians! These people know about God without actually knowing Him personally.
The process of reading the Word and listening to the Spirit is critical if we are to truly know Who God is. This is the way we get to know God. It’s an ongoing work, beginning when we first hear the gospel and believe in Christ. We may hear or read the Scriptures, but equally important is that we hear the call of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to our hearts. This relationship is known as being Born Again, and it continues throughout our lives as we get to know God more and more.
Everyone, meaning everyone, who maintains their walk of faith with Christ follows the same path of hearing both the Word and the Spirit. As we get to know God our faith in Him will grow stronger! The Apostle Paul, by that same Spirit, wrote this;
Romans 1:16-17
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
The process of salvation through hearing the Word and Spirit isn’t new, and it isn’t exclusive to anyone. Salvation (initially, as well as the ongoing work) is available to everyone who will repent and believe the gospel – without exception. This is the love of God displayed from the beginning of creation – to you.
My sincere hope is that as you read the following pages you will gain a new and/or ever-deepening understanding of Who our Father truly is. By better understanding His character we can rest fully in all that He has provided for us – in love – through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and the continual work of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives.
In the end God will give us what we want, whether that is an acceptance of the life He offers in Christ or a rejection of that offer. The choice is ours. I pray that each of us will hear the call of the Spirit to repent from our own way of doing things and to submit ourselves to His loving mercy and guidance, and the grace which is so freely given to us in Christ.
May God bless you as you seek Him in sincerity and truth!
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