Lost Its Luster?
Did you ever have something that you really liked or enjoyed that eventually “lost its luster”? Most people have – I did. When I was in grade school one of the things I loved to do with my friends after …
The Pastor’s Page includes notes, analogies, anecdotes and such, providing advice and godly counsel for everyday living – straight from the pastor’s heart!
Did you ever have something that you really liked or enjoyed that eventually “lost its luster”? Most people have – I did. When I was in grade school one of the things I loved to do with my friends after …
My father was a career military man having joined the Air Force at the age of 18, fresh out of high school. He served faithfully during my childhood, for twenty years – retiring the same spring that I graduated from …
Did you ever get something that you knew you really didn’t deserve? During the last couple of days I’ve searched my memory for just such an event in my life. Outside of all the things that Jesus has done for …
When I was young bath time was an exciting time of imaginative adventure – especially when mom let me do the “bubble bath”. I would gather boats of all shapes and sizes, with as many toy soldiers and military vehicles …
Many people have two sets of silverware or plates, one for company and special occasions and another for common or everyday uses. I can understand the necessity of such an arrangement. Almost anything that gets used daily begins to lose …
As kids, my brother and I and our neighborhood friends would occasionally engage in a lively game of Follow the Leader. The goal was for the Leader to try to lead the group through a variety of actions. The idea …
When my family ministered and lived in Iowa for a number of years our electricity and natural gas were provided by a company named MidAmerican Energy. I was always intrigued and impressed by their slogan, “Obsessively, relentlessly at your service.” …
Karl Zinsmeister is vice president for publications at the Philanthropy Roundtable. A graduate of Yale University, he also studied at Trinity College Dublin. For almost 13 years he was editor-in-chief of The American Enterprise, and from 2006 to 2009 he …
One of the cute movies we used to enjoy watching with the kids was called, “Babe, the Pig”. It was a humorous tale about farm animals learning to “keep their place” and the two rebellious animals who were always trying …
A speaker during a regional conference was waxing eloquent as he sought to assess the reasons that society had taken such a drastic change in morals and attitudes over the past 30 years. His light-hearted but poignant conclusion was that …