100 Years From Now
“What will you be doing 100 years from now?” How you answer that question will tell a lot about what motivates you. Planning for the Future? What will you be doing 100 years from now? Atheists will answer, “Nothing, because …
The Talk deals with the many and varied concepts, principles, and precepts found throughout the Word of God including basic doctrine, theology, hypothetical situations and such.
“What will you be doing 100 years from now?” How you answer that question will tell a lot about what motivates you. Planning for the Future? What will you be doing 100 years from now? Atheists will answer, “Nothing, because …
God resists the proud, and yet people (and Americans in particular) are proud beings. Sayings like, “Show some pride in your work” are familiar to all of us. We are Proud To Be An American, and proud of our ethnicity …
The Word of God has quite a bit to say about why God resists the proud, being proud, and its destructive effects. Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, …
Once we understand where pride originated, and all the terrible things that have happened as a result, it’s no wonder that God resists the proud. Pride Affects Relationships I was at small group last night and we discussed some things …
God resists the proud is a biblical concept that each of us should think about, and for some very important reasons. It’s found in both the Old and New Testaments, and so we know that God places importance on it. …
What do you do when things go wrong? The answer to that question reveals a lot about who we are and where our confidence is placed. Equal Opportunity Situations Everybody (saved and unsaved alike) enjoys the good days, right? My …
I have tried to develop a habit of self-evaluation over the years and it has served me well. Self-evaluation continuously teaches me to think objectively about myself and my reactions to the things going on around me. Self-evaluation helps me …
What can we gain from examining evolution? The simple answer is A LOT! We separate fact from theory. We find out what does and doesn’t fit into the picture being painted. We find out what makes a statement probable or …
The following [Who We Are As A People-The Syrian Refugee Question] is adapted from a lecture delivered at Hillsdale College on October 12, 2016, sponsored by the Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship and Pi Sigma Alpha. One condition for …
Who We Are As A People – The Syrian Refugee Question 4 Read more »
By examining evolution we see that the theory of how life started is found at every level of society. A House of Cards It begins with toddlers being given little plastic toy dinosaurs and the toddlers as they are told …