An Agenda or a Plan?
Do we live our lives according to our agenda, or according to a plan?
From the moment we take our first breath it seems we possess an instinctive understanding that we are alive for a reason and that our life should be lived with purpose. Life is too precious and unique a commodity to be wasted or squandered by living it without direction or meaning. So it appears we have two avenues of action to choose from as we grow, in order to keep our life moving forward and avoid wasting it.
The easiest process to fall into requires very little effort. We simply give unbridled expression to the feelings and desires that respond so quickly to the stimulus of the world around us. Such a course of action is called living by an agenda. Agendas, by their very nature, are rigid, inflexible and extremely selfish. As a child I remember devising ways to manipulate my brother or friends into doing what I wanted to do. They ranged from outright bribery (“I’ll give you a quarter if you let me use your toy”) to emotional exploitation (“We always do what you want to do” [gripe, gripe, pout, pout]). My agenda was getting my way no matter what I had to do, what false promises I had to make or what valueless sacrifice I pretended to make! Such is the character of living your life by an agenda. Do we have an agenda or a plan?
God, on the other hand, approaches the purpose of life from a different perspective. He too comprehends, better than we do, the value and uniqueness of who we are and why we are alive. He also knows the truth of our eternal existence. His instruction for our response to life is to offer a “plan” devised in His immutable wisdom, yet constructed for our participation and benefit!
Plans are inherently different than agendas. Plans have goals and vision, but they are flexible and forgiving when it comes to unexpected events or the noncompliance of others. Agendas center on self and its desires, while plans almost always include others in an active role where relationships are built and nourished.
As we follow Jesus we can develop plans like building a marriage, raising a family, finding a career or many other smaller goals. His ultimate goal, however, is for us to take part in His plan. We can actively participate in the plan of God to shape and mold us into the character of Christ, with all of its multiple facets and expressions. In fact, for life to have real meaning all of our plans should flow from God’s plan as He gives His life to all we do!
How exciting to be His people,
Pastor David Vanderpool
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