A Great Fisherman

My maternal grandfather was a great fisherman. At least I thought he was a great fisherman, mainly because he would take me with him! When our family had the opportunity to spend time at granddad’s house down in southern Louisiana, I would secretly hope that somewhere in those carefree days there would be a fishing trip – especially to the gulf! It would usually begin with granddad sort of sighing as I visited him in his pastor’s study and saying, “Boy, I haven’t been fishing in a long time!” My eager ears would perk up, but I also remembered mom’s instructions to not “ask,” because granddad’s schedule was sometimes full and unpredictable as a small town pastor. But most of the time about a day later granddad would say, “Hey David, how about going fishing tomorrow?” Wow! That changed everything!
Immediately I leaped into action and began making plans. I would go through my tackle box (and granddad’s, too!). I spent time looking at all the lures and bait, thinking about what I would use and then asking him how the different plugs worked. Then I would try out all of granddad’s rods and reels, testing each one as I practiced my casting throw in the backyard, tossing a lead sinker as far as my small arms could manage. Afterward that we talked things over with grandma to see what we would need in our lunch, and finally I would lay out my clothes in faithful anticipation of the 4:00 AM alarm. Never once was I ever disappointed or fail to see the promise realized, and my dreams of spending time with a great fisherman were realized.
Faith works that same way in our lives as we learn to follow Jesus. God instructs, or corrects, or leads – and faith immediately springs into action. Not to “claim” a promise or to “believe” hard enough for a miracle, but to earnestly and diligently live and behave in such a way as to show I trust in the truthfulness of what God has said. If He tells me I need to stop certain selfish and destructive habits, I obey, not temporarily but completely, showing that I really do believe Him to be right.
Faith is simply the manifested outward action that shows what I believe to be true. Some put their faith in the media, or society, or education, or friends; but as for me, I will put my faith in the Lord! I will live like I know He is right – because He is right!
How exciting to be His people,
Pastor David Vanderpool
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