A Culture

A culture is defined in the dictionary as the set of predominating attitudes and behaviors that characterize a group or organization. Societies, families, and churches have a culture. They all display a set of attitudes and behaviors that are acceptable and define those groups, yet which many times are not necessarily noticed by their members. If you were to go to a foreign country you would probably soon discover that the customs of what is socially acceptable and unacceptable are very different from yours, and it would take quite some time and effort to function in that society without standing out as a “tourist.”
Some of the practices of foreign cultures we would find humorous. An example could be found in Greece; when a child loses a tooth they throw it on the roof expecting a hog to take it, rather than placing it under a pillow for the “Tooth Fairy”. Others are shocking; in Southeast Asia when you see women or children selling roses on the street it’s not because it’s Valentine’s Day, they are usually selling themselves.
You and your family have a culture in your home that is so familiar to you that you don’t even realize it and guests have to learn it by experience. Churches have cultures as well that have been formed, many times by practicing what is familiar or comfortable or traditional. Some church cultures make it difficult (if not impossible) for new people to be included in their fellowship.
The truth of the matter is that all of the cultures of men – whether social, personal or religious – are all cultures of death. By that I mean that whatever is formed from our imperfect likes and dislikes, no matter how well-meaning or sin-provoked, must fall under the judgment of the Scripture that says;
There is none righteous, no not one. All of our righteousness is like filthy rags. (Romans 3:10; Isaiah 64:6)
The only set of attitudes and behaviors that are life-filled and life-giving are those found in the culture of God’s Kingdom. Like a foreigner in unknown territory, I must learn the culture of heaven from the instruction of the Spirit and allow His instruction to change the culture that I am familiar with and comfortable in. My desire must be for our fellowship together to be defined by Kingdom culture, not our own.
Lord, teach us a culture of life – Your culture!
How exciting to be His people,
Pastor David Vanderpool
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