Top 10 Signs You Might Be Deceived
Top 10 signs you might be deceived;
#10. You vigorously deny the existence of God and join with other atheists/agnostics, but feel outraged when people keep questioning you and/or offer proofs which you conveniently – and continuously – ignore. “It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.”
#9. You feel insulted and “dehumanized” when real scientists claim that evolution is an impossibility – starting at the theoretical level and proven in the physical world. Math alone verifies that there is no possibility for such a thing as evolution, much less the myriad of other evidences available to anyone who seriously seeks the truth. For further clarification, please jump to Sign #3.
#8. You laugh at the nature of the Trinity while disregarding the multitude of natural examples He has made available to you, all of which help us understand the concept. Consider H2O as just one said example.
#7. Your face turns purple when you hear of the “atrocities” committed at God’s direction, all the while failing to investigate why these things were done. Then, out of your own ignorance, you make suppositions about the nature and character of God because you inaccurately assume He is some kind of monster. For further clarification, please jump to Sign #1.
#6. You laugh at Christians and Jews who believe the Word of God. You then follow more amenable ‘religions,’ which actually contain some of the principles derived from God’s Word. The themes in these religions have changed over time but their origins can be traced back to a common beginning which is – guess what! – outlined in the very Word of God you disparage.
#5. You are willing to spend your life looking at evolving scientific ‘facts’ instead of impartially researching the evidence which contradicts those ‘facts.’ Then, when the ‘facts of science’ change (which they ultimately do) you make up excuses for your error, and then whole-heartily accept the ‘new facts.’ You continually follow this process, all the while becoming more and more confused.
#4. You believe that the numerical superiority of people accepting a falsehood (evolution, religion, etc.) must therefore validate that falsehood, which – at least in your mind – relegates truth to a democratic process. Truth is static and does not change due to popularity, regardless of how inconvenient that truth may be to you.
#3. While modern science, history, geology, biology and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some biased and resentful ‘professionals’ continually misquoting, misapplying or deliberately obfuscating real science and facts may be all the evidence you need to “prove” your unbelief. I have yet to meet anyone who remains an unbeliever if they accept facts for what they are, and then let those facts lead them to whatever conclusions they may lead to. Use Anthony Flew as a role model. While I’m doubtful he accepted Christ as his Savior, at least he became honest with himself after examining all the evidence.
#2. You use imaginary numbers and hand-picked, exclusionary facts to fortify erroneous and wishful thinking, then call it science. Misrepresentation (either intentional or unintentional) is a hallmark of deception and quite possibly indicates spiritual and/or intellectual laziness.
#1. You actually know a lot less about the Bible than many Christians because you haven’t taken the time to pray about it and study it; instead you rely upon what others say about it. That’s why you keep making foolish statements, all the while refusing to directly address the myriad inconsistencies and errors that have been pointed out to you. For a review, please review Sign #10.
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